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What is clean fill dirt?

Updated: 09/14/2016
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Answer: This dirt is all natural better to use
Brent’s lawn maintenance
Answer: Dirt without excess debri, rocks or anything not part of the soil
Perry's Landscaping
Answer: Dirt bought from a professional rock queria or cement business
Above the rest landscaping and delivery
Answer: Free of any trash or debris or grass
Larry Pierce Lawn/Landscaping
Answer: Has no branches in it or large rocks
Mahar Landscape Services
Answer: n this context, the word “clean” refers to the fact that the dirt is free from any contaminants such as corrosives, combustibles, noxious or reactive materials, radioactive substances or any organic material. Additionally, clean fill dirt should not contain dangerous refuse, rubble, muck, metal, glass or wood.
Selena's Landscape, Design & Tree Service, LLC
Answer: dirt that does not contain concrete bricks or large stones
Micro Dumpster
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